Ganeti Web Manager

Ganeti Web Manager


Note: Installing from the tarball is the preferred method. After installing the dependencies, please download the tarball instead of cloning the repository.


  1. Install dependencies: Python, Pip, Fabric, VirtualEnv
  2. Get the Ganeti Web Manager code: Clone from the repository or download a release tarball
  3. Deploy fabric environment: fab dev deploy or fab prod deploy
  4. Configure Settings: Copy to and make any modifications
  5. Sync database, then run the server: ./ syncdb --migrate, then ./ runserver

This section explains how to automatically install Ganeti Web Manager using Fabric. Fabric simplifies the installation process by automatically installing dependencies into a virtual environment.

Related Topics:


Ganeti Web Manager is compatible with the following:

  • Ganeti: >= v2.2.x is supported. v2.1.x and v2.0.x are unsupported and sometimes work but can cause problems (see #8973). Lower versions are not supported.
  • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox >= v3.x, Google Chrome or Chromium. Other contemporary browsers may also work, but are not supported. (The web-based VNC console requires browser support of WebSockets and HTML5)
  • Databases: MySQL or SQLite. SQLite is not recommended in production environments.
  • Operating Systems: GWM has been tested on Debian 7, Ubuntu 11.10, 12.04 and CentOs 5 and 6. Debian 6 is supported, provided the Pip, Virtualenv and Fabric packages are updated to the versions listed below.


Pip is required for installing Fabric and a useful tool to install Virtualenv

sudo apt-get install python-pip

# devel libraries may be needed for some pip installs
sudo apt-get install python-dev


Install Fabric and Virtualenv

# install fabric and virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
sudo apt-get install fabric


Note: the use of pip to install system packages is not recommended, please use your system's package manager to install Virtualenv and Fabric.

Install with Fabric

  1. Either download and unpack the latest release, or check it out from the repository:
    git clone git://
  2. Switch to project directory
    # Fabric commands only work from a directory containing a fabfile
    cd ganeti_webmgr/
  3. Run Fabric to automatically create python virtual environment with required dependencies. Choose either production or development environment
    # production environment
    fab prod deploy
    # development environment
    fab dev deploy
  4. Activate virtual environment
    source bin/activate


  1. In the project root, you'll find a default-settings file called Copy it to
  2. If you want to use another database engine besides the default SQLite (not recommended for production), edit, and edit the following lines to reflect your wishes (note that postgresql is not supported at this time and the install will fail, see issue #3237):
    1DATABASE_ENGINE = ''   # <-- Change this to 'mysql', 'postgresql', 'postgresql_psycopg2' or 'sqlite3'
    2DATABASE_NAME = ''     # <-- Change this to a database name, or a file for SQLite
    3DATABASE_USER = ''     # <-- Change this (not needed for SQLite)
    4DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' # <-- Change this (not needed for SQLite)
    5DATABASE_HOST = ''     # <-- Change this (not needed if database is localhost)
    6DATABASE_PORT = ''     # <-- Change this (not needed if database is localhost)
  3. Initialize Database:
    ./ syncdb --migrate
  4. Build the search indexes
    ./ rebuild_index

    Note: running ./ update_index on a regular basis ensures that the search indexes stay up-to-date when models change in Ganeti Web Manager.
  1. Everything should be all set up! Run the development server with:
    ./ runserver

Additional configuration for production servers:

Deploying a production server requires additional setup steps.

  1. Change the ownership of the whoosh_index directory to apache
    chown apache:apache whoosh_index/
  2. Change your SECRET_KEY and WEB_MGR_API_KEY to unique (and hopefully unguessable) strings in your
  3. Configure the Django Cache Framework to use a production capable backend in By default Ganeti Web Manager is configured to use the LocMemCache but it is not recommended for production. Use Memcached or a similar backend.
    1CACHES = {
    2    'default': {
    3        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
    4    }
  4. For versions >= 0.5 you may need to add the full filesystem path to your templates directory to TEMPLATE_DIRS and remove the relative reference to 'templates'. We've had issues using wsgi not working correctly unless this change has been made.
  5. Ensure the server has the ability to send emails or you have access to an SMTP server. Set EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, and DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL in For more complicated outgoing mail setups, please refer to the django email documentation.
  6. Follow the django guide to deploy with apache. Here is an example mod_wsgi file:
     1import os
     2import sys
     4path = '/var/lib/django/ganeti_webmgr'
     6# activate virtualenv
     7activate_this = '%s/bin/' % path
     8execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
    10# add project to path
    11if path not in sys.path:
    12    sys.path.append(path)
    14# configure django environment
    15os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'
    17import django.core.handlers.wsgi
    18application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
  7. Enable the periodic cache updater.
    NOTE: Do not run the cache updater as root.
    twistd --pidfile=/tmp/ gwm_cache

    You may encounter an issue where twisted fails to start and gives you an error. 
    This is usually caused by the environment variable PYTHONPATH not being
    exported correctly if you switch to superuser 'su -'. To fix it type:
    export PYTHONPATH="."

    Then exit out of root.
  8. Set VNC_PROXY to the hostname of your VNC AuthProxy server in The VNC AuthProxy does not need to run on the same server as Ganeti Web Manager.
    1VNC_PROXY = ''

上一篇: 几个常用 Linux 桌面/窗口管理器的内存占用对比
下一篇: kvm的虚拟化管理方案-Archipel


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