

opkg install  http://openwrt.8800.org:82/ipktool_1.0_all.ipk   #安装打包工具

sh /bin/ipkg-build  /mnt/nwan/ /mnt


 /mnt 是打包后ipk存放目录

要打包的目录包含CONTROL 目录

 preinst        - 包的预安装测试,在真的包解压之前执行)
 postinst       - 真实安装(在程序文件解压之后执行). 
prerm           - 预卸载(在删除安装文件之前执行). 
postrm         - 卸载(在安装文件被删除后执行). 
conffiles       - 列出软件包的配置文件,在升级包的过程中不会被覆盖掉。 一个ipk包当然要包括程序的所有文件了,




root@OpenWrt:/mnt# ls \nwan
CONTROL  etc      lib      usr

root@OpenWrt:/mnt/nwan# find  -name "*"




root@OpenWrt:/# sh /bin/ipkg-build  /mnt/nwan/ /mnt
find: unrecognized: -uid
BusyBox v1.15.3 (2010-11-11 23:54:31 PST) multi-call binary

Usage: find [PATH...] [EXPRESSION]

Search for files. The default PATH is the current directory,
default EXPRESSION is '-print'

EXPRESSION may consist of:
        -follow         Dereference symlinks
        -xdev           Don't descend directories on other filesystems
        -maxdepth N     Descend at most N levels. -maxdepth 0 applies
                        tests/actions to command line arguments only
        -mindepth N     Do not act on first N levels
        -name PATTERN   File name (w/o directory name) matches PATTERN
        -iname PATTERN  Case insensitive -name
        -path PATTERN   Path matches PATTERN
        -regex PATTERN  Path matches regex PATTERN
        -type X         File type is X (X is one of: f,d,l,b,c,...)
        -perm NNN       Permissions match any of (+NNN), all of (-NNN),
                        or exactly (NNN)
        -user NAME      File is owned by user NAME (numeric user ID allowed)
        -group NAME     File belongs to group NAME (numeric group ID allowed)
        -depth          Process directory name after traversing it
        -size N[bck]    File size is N (c:bytes,k:kbytes,b:512 bytes(def.)).
                        +/-N: file size is bigger/smaller than N
        -print          Print (default and assumed)
        -print0         Delimit output with null characters rather than
        -exec CMD ARG ; Run CMD with all instances of {} replaced by the
                        matching files
        -prune          Stop traversing current subtree
        (EXPR)          Group an expression

Packaged contents of /mnt/nwan/ into /mnt/nwan_1.0_all.ipk

上一篇: win7下的上帝模式代码大全
下一篇: 备份Windows 7激活文件 实现重装自行激活


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