


MIPS Router / DD-WRT

MIPS Router / OpenWRT
Little endian Kernel 2.4x
Little endian Kernel 2.6x

MIPS Router / Fonera

MIPS Router Fritzbox

MIPSEL Dreambox 800/8000/7025
With SSL support:  http://www.streamboard.gmc.to/wbb2/tut-pics/toolchains/Toolchain_mipsel-tuxbox-linux.Dreambox.SSL.tar.bz2

PPC Dreambox 500/600/7000/7020
With SSL support:  http://www.streamboard.gmc.to/wbb2/tut-pics/toolchains/Toolchain_powerpc-tuxbox-linux_DreamboxPPC.SSL.tar.bz2



For Coolstream internal reader support, you will have to copy the libary file libnxp.so (see attachment) to the sys-root/lib directory of your toolchain.

(Cross-) compiling

Linux i686 or x86_64:

Step 1:
Make sure you have a current make (debian package: build-essential) and cmake version (>= 2.6) installed. You furthermore need gcc, svn (debian package: subversion), libusb-dev and openssl (debian package: libssl-dev) installed. Consult the handbook of your linux distribution on how to install them if they are missing. Debian and Ubuntu for example uses "sudo apt-get install <package>" or "sudo aptitude install <package>".

Step 2:
Download source repository

svn co http://streamboard.gmc.to/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn

Step 3:
Just do

cd oscam-svn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Binary output will be located in the folder where you are (oscam-svn/build). If you get any compilation errors, search our forum for similar issues. If you don't find a solution, then open a new thread there (do NOT open a ticket!).


Fritzbox / DD-WRT Router / Dreambox / NSLU2:

All provided toolchains will only work in a Linux-based environment.

Step 1:
Before you can start to compile OSCam for any platform, you need to get the right toolchain. Copy the toolchain to your Linux-based system. cmake 2.4 or higher will be needed.

Step 2:
Download source repository

svn co http://streamboard.gmc.to/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn

Step 3:
Create a build directory in oscam-svn

cd oscam-svn
mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir

Step 4
Create a shell script in the directory build_dir

vi install.sh

export PATH=/toolchain/ANYPLATFORM/bin:$MYPATH

make clean
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchains/toolchain-ANYPLATFORM.cmake ..

chmod 755 install.sh

Remember to set the toolchain path correctly. Also take a look inside the toolchain cmake script. You have to add the right compiler for your platform.

Step 5
Execute the shell script


The output will be located in the build_dir


How to apply a patch to OSCam SVN

A patch sometimes is only valid for specfic SVN version. So be carefull! First you have to check out the correct SVN version.

Step 1:
Example check out SVN 534

svn co -r 534 http://streamboard.gmc.to/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn

Step 2:

Apply the patch

cp patch.txt oscam-svn
cd oscam-svn

patch [-p0] < patch.txt

上一篇: linux下的多线程图形下载工具MultiGet
下一篇: Oscam on WNR3500L


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